Hi, I'm Niya. I am a native from the PureiWorld. Currently I represent I have the greatest luck out of anyone here. I'm great friends with Puri.
In my past I worked for Pink Drink to voice one of their mascots. Then I worked for PureiCorp - I worked on spreadsheets. Fun!Â
During this time the Yanloids were super popular. I was in my mid-teenage years and had a crush on Nebula for a while (and sometimes Haiko!).
Alright. So THIS is how the luck comes in. Soooooo. One day I was at a small cafe in the Pureiworld and Nebula was there alone. I asked her if she wanted to be together with me and that's how I got to be with her. THEN Haiko was there later on and now all three of us are together!
One day I will tell my past self "Hey your future self WILL be with those yanloid members later on in life..."
I am also a proud father of two children. Because of this, I really hate Tivo's Music Party with a passion. I have migraines a lot (for blobs, migraines go through the entire body) and this talking TV who sounds like he has a cold (and depression) just makes the migraines worse. It's a shame 'cuz my children love the show... I can tolerate A Blooper Logos of WiiU (from the same company btw) - they have the same voice as Tivo, but I really enjoy the series.