ZipZap Talking Pals for UTAU

(they can also sing)

PLEASE LOOK by the way,
before you go on: 

If you plan to make a cover or original song with the characters below, or just want a silly doodle of your favorite ZipZap voicebank, we are now offering commissions. 

ZipZap introduces our talking pals! They talk, sing, and most importantly, they'll even do your mom! 

Now, all you need is UTAU or OpenUtau to make these fellas come to life. If you don't, they'll just be lifeless zipped folders of WAV files.
Some might sound familiar. Ever heard of the Yanloids? They originated from PureiWeb and moved over to here. All of our voicebanks (except Bebo, Nebula, Pam, Marula, and Komppi) include a SetParam OTO and a money-back guarantee*. If you don't like it, delete the oto.ini file and OTO it from scratch. We'll cherish your OTO if you send it!

(They're mostly voiced by Sunny. Except Marula, Stan, Stella, and Mother Tara.)

*there is no money-back guarantee because the voicebanks are free

Most of the Talking Pals can speak three languages fluently* - These are indicated below, after their name:

KUZ - Kuzuri (Colli) constructed language. 

EN - English

JA - Japanese

*Some people have gotten our voicebanks to sing in several unsupported languages. Your mileage may vary, depending on what language you're making them sing/speak in.

Meet the Talking Pals!

More will be added, so check once in a while for a new Talking Pal!
Italic font indicates that the Talking Pal was a former YANLOID member.

Click here to see the Q&A and Terms of Use. To understand everything in the short descriptions, take a look at May Need Explaining, a piece of the site that describes almost every bit of blob culture (and gets updated once in a while).

These voicebanks are of varying qualities - there is now a quality label!
Look for Needs Fixing, Passable, and Top Notch below the art and voice credits.


Nebula _______ (KUZ/JA)

This is Nebula, a PureiWeb* classic with a story to tell. A perfect mid-range voice. 

Her voice is very sweet and calm - was recorded in a different voice (as heard in the samples, but the UTAU software decided on making it sound feminine.)

Also try her scream1 sample with 200% modulation at G#4. It's hilarious. (only works in the original UTAU for windows)

(She does not work correctly and will crash OpenUtau if using WORLDLINE-R. Use the CLASSIC resampler for the best experience. This was tested on a computer running Fossapup 9.5, AKA Puppy Linux)

*PureiWeb is where Nebula, Haiko, Bebo, and Niya originated, alongside the side character Beso who currently only has a vowel only VB)

Birthday: 9/10/2000

Art and voice by C3S6.

This voicebank is Passable. She cannot say the "s" in su, and some of the samples are pronounced differently. Keep in mind this was the first voicebank Sunny has ever recorded.

What does Nebula sound like?


Haiko Akapane (KUZ/JA)*

Meet Haiko Akapane, the high-range singer who sounds terrible below C5.

She loves Nebula and Niya soooo very much. Actually. the whole couple loves each other so much.

(some people even have crushes on her!)

*She can speak English if you try hard enough - she has extra samples but she isn't as fluent as Pam, who has "-ih", "-ah", and "-uh" samples.

(alt. link with ZIP file here)

Birthday: 11/11/2001

Art and voice by C3S6.

This voicebank is Passable. The "ru" sample kind of has a glitchy quality to it. She has a SetParam OTO and needs fixing. She does not have proper Hiragana support outside of the vowels.

What does Haiko sound like?


Niya _______ (KUZ/JA)

Say hi to Niya. He represents Niya has a voice similar to Bebo Akapane's - without the robotic-ness. Well, as long as you add the B35g+15 (or g+20), he'll sound awfully similar. Try not to do that.

He has an M-Head with a readable M and parallel lines. He also works for M-Head.

Also, Niya shows up as YANLOID2 when you install him. 

Birthday: 8/12/2001

Art and voice by C3S6.

This voicebank is Top Notch. Feel free to make him a better OTO if you'd like. It sounds good for a setparam oto...

What does Niya sound like?


Bebo Akapane, also known as B3B0-- (KUZ/JA)


...the masculine counterpart to Haiko - it's Bebo! The deranged key-eating blob! HELP HIM!

He has a nice robotic voice.

Bebo's in a loving relationship with Passo, Beso... and several computers.

(He also has a website.) Also can be emailed to. 

Birthday: 10/29/2005

Art by berrypepperoni (remade by sbspfan) and voice by C3S6.

This voicebank is Passable. One of his samples have a glitchy quality to them. I do not remember which one though. However, he is the most popular out of the whole set. He is missing several samples and some are pronounced differently. Bebo himself was recorded alongside Nebula. But don't worry, I still like him all the same.

G+20 is VERY highly recommended. Without it, he sounds very young.* (on OpenUtau: type in the number 20 in the Gender box in the Expressions section)

*If you are making a song where he is younger, feel free to not use g+20, or mess with G+ flags. 

What does Bebo sound like? (g+20 used in this demo. in openutau, set the gender in the expressions section to 020. without it, he will sound nine.)


Also, Bebo can beatbox. Also set to g+20.


Marula Akapane (KUZ/JA)

Another new Akapane? Yep! Marula was named after a tube of lotion Sunny carried in its bag.

Their voice is androgynous. In middle ranges, they'll sound masculine, and in higher ranges, they'll sound feminine, and will somewhat sound like Pam a little.

Their voice is confusing enough.

They were also a nerd when it comes to the Homestar Runner series as a whole. Nowadays, they are more of a nerd when it comes to the cartoons and music shown in the classes of Side Character Nera Akapane.

Birthday: 5/15/2008

Art by C3S6, voiced by YFK45.

This voicebank is Passable. Their voice is hard to understand without a transcript. Please consider using a transcript when using the Classic and New voices. The Soft release is a little easier to understand.

What does Marula sound like? (Classic shown below.)


Stan Akapane (KUZ/JA)

Yes, another one. Stan is a young child, at the age of 7. He likes stars and singing. Probably is a huge fan of "The Show" on Abarunu.

Birthday: 1/1/2017

Art and voice by Discky.

This voicebank is Passable. Will need an OTO, but works fine as-is.

What does Stan sound like?


Sunny (KUZ/JA/EN)

Sunny itself only recorded this silly VB to preserve its Marzipan-like voice (if it does go on some T to deepen its voice) alongside an awful clone of itself that they can only use on their tablet and cellphone that does not sound like itself.

But sadly, this Talking Pal sounds like Pam if they had depression.

The voicebank can be used to dub THAT ONE DOG THAT THE CHIIKITS REALLY LIKE. Will not be mentioning any names. Same VA too.

This Talking Pal works with Romaji only.

Birthday: 1/22/2006 (yes that's also the same bday as the vp)

Art and voice by C3S6.

This voicebank is Passable. He works fine as-is, like Stan, but Sunny will benefit with Hiragana support.

You can, however, hire the real Sunny if you're adventurous enough.

What does Sunny sound like singing in Colli?


Yeah, it speaks English as well. Take a listen!


Tara Akapane

Tara is the mother of Haiko, Bebo, Stan, Tuki, and Oli/Momo. (Marula is a cousin in the Akapane family and has a different mother. See: Nera Akapane in Blob Side Characters)

Birthday: 10/15/1982

Art by Discky, voice by Nina.

This voicebank needs fixing. She does work, but may need an OTO to work her best.


Stella Akapane (KUZ/JA)

The youngest Talking Pal in the set - it's Stella! She's four and is a huge fan of the Milly's Really Silly Theater program on Abarunu. The program's on EBS now.

you see a repeating thing with the younger set? thats right they watch abarunu often.

Birthday: 1/1/2020

Art and voice by Discky.

This voicebank needs fixing - will need an OTO. She is somewhat usable as-is.

What does Stella sound like?


Passo (KUZ/JA/EN)

Passo mainly appears anywhere that needs a blob. She appears in the "Submit your own Blob" guidebook's "How to draw a Blob" tutorial (coming soon!) Their name originated from here. (timestamped!)

She is a new Uzuru presenter and he is married to Bebo, Beso, Komppi, and Kaleido. He also works for the Kura Group, which is the company behind Abarunu.

He has a huge crush on Komppi. In fact, Passo is one of Komppi's significant others!

Art and voice by C3S6.

This voicebank is Passable. She's fine as is, but he has no Hiragana support.

Birthday: 3/19/2003

What does Passo sound like?


She also has English support!


Blob Side Characters

There are several side characters who either have voicebanks that are unfinished, have full voices, or don't have any at all. Here they all are!

Beso (unfinished - vowels only)

Beso is a former YANLOID member. He is together with Bebo Akapane and Komppi, alongside Passo, Komppi, Kaleido, and an unknown computer. Beso is known by YANLOID fans as the forgotten YANLOID. He usually hacks into random electronic objects and makes them do things that they usually don't do - for example, getting the Myamya plush to play songs that it usually doesn't play. He is semi-verbal.

Birthday: 11/23/2005

Tuki and Oli/Mo Akapane (no VBs)

Tuki and Oli are twins. They are Tara Akapane's youngest children. One's into Feetface, the other into cellphones.

Birthday: 10/14/2018

Yonna Akapane (no VB)

Yonna is Bebo's child.

Birthday: 3/30/24

Koki and Ici (no VB)

Koki and Ici are the children of Nebula, Haiko, and Niya.

Birthdays: 12/04/2022 (Koki) 11/22/2023 (Ici)

Nera Akapane (no VB)

Nera-ne is the mother of Marula and Allegro. (the latter's name was chosen from this video).
She does the popular Screw Those Possible Giants classes.

Birthday: 4/24/1988

The Coil Blob (no VB - distant cousin of the Akapanes)

This nameless blob hears the world (and their comfort item, the Take Along Tunes device) through a telephone pickup coil - or through any 3.5mm audio source. He lost most of their hearing during a loud concert and was implanted with a mono 3.5mm jack in their body. Usually, a coil is plugged into this jack, but sometimes when they are on a device with a 3.5mm output, they plug that in instead.
The Coil Blob usually carries a Tabby device (the Tabby346 - the replacement model to the Tabby246 from 2018) around to communicate. 

They work for Really Bad Burnination Services as someone who repairs Take Along Tunes devices.

Birthday: 6/16/2004

Bebo Akapane's Clone (Uses a flag)

Bebo finds himself attractive so he cloned himself. The result is a not-very-identical copy of Bebo with his outfit colors mixed up and a similar voice to himself.

To get his voice: Use the Niya voicebank with g+20. It somewhat sounds like Bebo but less robotic.



Say hi to Pam. She sounds like Komppi... before his transition - because it ACTUALLY is!! Komppi gave Pam his old voice! Before that, Pam would communicate through beeps, either Morse code or through song. All in beautiful sine wave glory.

She is non binary and uses she/they pronouns.

Pam works at Ralph's Diner and Grill (see slide #10 in the slide version of May Need Explaining) - at said place, they have a live venue with singers instead of a jukebox playing in the background. Their job is high-paying. (Also, she's really really interested in gameboy handhelds!)

Sadly, she's not well-liked where she lives (people don't like her obnoxious voice)

She sounds best with higher notes (G4 to E6), but you can use her in any range you want.

Get the older, more useful vxp model here.

Birthday: 3/31/2007

Voiced by C3S6, with some use of KeroVee to add in the computery sound. Art done by the same person.

This voicebank is Passable. She is missing some samples and has useless extra samples (byih, byuh, etc). This is what happens if you let Sunny write a really bad reclist. Works fine as is if you're letting her sing in Japanese or Colli. OTO is of decent quality.

What does Pam sound like? (when she sings in Kuzuri, that is.)


What does Pam sound like? (when she sings the SAME song, but now in English)


Komppi, AKA LMI-01 (KUZ/JA/EN)

Originally "Sunny's first proper UTAU", he then moved to ZipZap over a year later. Sunny itself lost interest completely, and Komppi's OTO used to suck. And yes, he's trans. (His pre-transition voice was given to Pam.)

And like Bebo, he can be emailed to as well.

Beso loves him so much!

Birthday: 10/28/2005

Voiced by C3S6, with some use of KeroVee to add in the computery sound. Art done by the same person.

This voicebank is Passable. He is missing the "thai" sample (see this reclist), and only has Romaji support. He is usable as-is, if you are okay with using a Romaji-only voicebank. OTO is decent quality.

G+20 is recommended alongside using him in lower ranges. (on OpenUtau: type in the number 20 in the Gender box in the Expressions section)

What does Komppi sound like?


Also he can speak some form of Kuzuri.


Kira Akapane (KUZ/JA)

This is Bebo's adopted daughter - Bebo met Kira many years ago. Kira was just wandering around the Pureiworld when she met Bebo. The parents weren't found anywhere, so Bebo pretty much took care of her. The parents eventually found Kira and let Bebo adopt her.

Birthday: 12/27/2014

Art and voice by C3S6.

This voicebank needs fixing. All she needs is a proper OTO and she'll be all set. Somewhat usable as-is.

What does Kira sound like?


Non-Blob Side Characters

There's quite a few.

Mia Kihei, AKA LMI-08 (uses a flag)

Mia Kihei is the wife of Pam and Marula. She has a similar voice to Pam. Use g-10 (on OpenUtau: -10 in the Gender box in the Expressions section) with the Pam voicebank.

Birthday: 9/22/2007

Tessera, AKA LMI-10 (uses a flag)

Tessera is the same make and model as Komppi - before they became an LMI, she lived in a kid's room during her non-LMI years. They have those small shiny stickers (like these) all over their bezel.
Her voice is very breathy and Pam-like. To get her voice: use Komppi with g-20 (in OpenUtau, set the gender in Expressions to -20)

Birthday: 3/12/2007

Kaleido, AKA LMI-00/15 (uses a flag)

This LMI was originally a computer to test the LMOS prototype builds on, and has almost similar qualities to LMI-01. His ID number changed when he was heavily modified with a different computer inside him several years later.

To get his voice: use the Pam voicebank with the gender set to 20. (g+20 in regular UTAU.)

Birthday: 5/12/2005